pupit: I wget skype from my server and httpd access_log didnt read it. how is that possible?adaptr: the access log doesn't read much of anything
pupit: it doesnt?
pupit: i thought it was doing that...
pupit: latest security update of httpd i have in slack
adaptr: the access log prefers television to reading
pupit: ah, i figured it out, until it finishes the download it doesnt logs it
adaptr: that would be correct
pupit: there is no way to find out which files are being fetched?
adaptr: server-status
fajita: server-status is enabled by mod_status. See http://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/mod/mod_status.html See http://httpd.apache.org/server-status for an example.
pupit: for me?
adaptr: enable ExtendedStatus globally to see all currently executing requests
pupit: ah, thanks adaptr
pupit: :)
pupit: live and learn..
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