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MC4_STATUS: Corrected error, other errors lost: no, CPU context corrupt: no, CECC Error

what happened:

Message from syslogd@DEUS at Thu Apr 28 13:59:26 2011 ...
DEUS kernel: [305700.000015] [Hardware Error]: MC4_STATUS: Corrected error, other errors lost: no, CPU context corrupt: no, CECC Error

Message from syslogd@DEUS at Thu Apr 28 13:59:26 2011 ...
DEUS kernel: [305700.000021] [Hardware Error]: Northbridge Error, node 0: , core: 0L3 ECC data cache error.

Message from syslogd@DEUS at Thu Apr 28 13:59:26 2011 ...
DEUS kernel: [305700.000025] [Hardware Error]: Transaction: RD, Type: GEN, Cache Level: L3/GEN


cosmic rays

This code wil play the video in the users browser

<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B" WIDTH="160"HEIGHT="144" CODEBASE="[];
<PARAM name="SRC" VALUE="">
<PARAM name="AUTOPLAY" VALUE="true">

This code wil play the video in the users browser. but if ou actually want to stream it use a free streaming software such as vibestreamer >>[]

Steven Martin

happy feet mathematics

Imate autobus i u njemu sedam djaka koji imaju po sedam rančeva. U svakom rancu sedam mačaka, svaka mačka ima po sedam mačića. Bizarna gomila se zaputila u skolu.
Koliko nogu ima u autobusu?

There is a bus, and in it there are seven students who have seven backpacks each. In each backpack there is seven cats, each cat has seven kittens. Bizarre crowd headed to school.
How many feet is in the bus?

Multi WAN - Slackware - Niels Horn is the man!- LOAD BALANCING TWO ISPs

pupitfound this: it looks ok, but even if i manage routing how to manage connections to eth0 and wlan0 simultaneously? im used to wicd btw
pupiteviljames: you were right, i do need NAT  to setup things here :)
eviljamespupit: I had a feeling that was what you were after, but was a little befuddled by the wording of the question.
pupitsorry, my english is not spectacular sometimes :)
eviljamespupit: Then computer becomes a wifi hotspot on wlan0 ; then your WLAN connects to your computer, which does routing/NAT/firewall
eviljamesWLAN above meaning wireless clients.
pupiteviljames: yes
 I don't know much (anything) about setting up a wifi hotspot, other
than your hardware must support it.  I had a ralink device
before that did not.
eviljamespupit: Once that part is done, you'll be happy to hear the rest should be both trivial and well documented.
pupiteviljames: i think ill draw this
eviljamespupit: You have a lot of options here.
eviljamesVery nice drawing, btw :P
thrice`what was it drawn in? :)
eviljamespupit: So, is it possible to add a 2nd nic to PC2?  If so, you could use eth0 + wlan0 in various configurations
pupiti  dedicate my drawing to eviljames
eviljamesThen use PC2 as your router/firewall.
pupiteviljames: 2nd pc is eeepc
eviljamesoh.. waitasec... I just clued in that you want to do it to PC2 hah
pupiti have an usb2ethernet adapter
eviljameserr duh PC1
niels_hornpupit: take a look at this post:
niels_hornIt's a bit old, but still valid...
pupitthanks niels_horn :)
alphageek13.1RC2 ftw!
niels_hornpupit: np :)
pupitniels_horn: as it was stated above, drawing is nice, you could use it as an intro in the beginning of your blog :)
niels_hornpupit: hehe... :) I actually need to update that post a bit. Who knows in my v2.0
guax2008, some stuff happens in two years thats for sure
niels_hornmancha: I don't think 13.1 will have 2.6.34... Just my guess...
guax"ADSL modem 1Mb down, 320Kb up"
Action: guax bets is a brazilian ISP
niels_hornguax: yeah... :) Rio de Janeiro...

Generated by 2.1mg by Jeff Waugh - return


its really amazing when i think of it from time to time, everyone is unique!.. but the world we live in, wants to make us all to be same, putting us into same-sized boxes. and some may fit in, some may not, some may be fitted into a smaller one.. but you get the point... what about those claustrophobic?

Buridan's ass

(01:03:53 AM) evanton: may I ask why do you need 3 linux distros?
(01:04:10 AM) evanton: can't have 1 main and 2 in virtual boxes?
(01:04:38 AM) MystKid: yes i could
(01:04:46 AM) MystKid: but still have to decide which one my main will be
(01:05:25 AM) evanton: well, pick 2 random ones, decide to throw one, repeat the process one more time :)
(01:06:33 AM) MystKid: i like all 3 tho. i like binary packages in arch and the minimal install. i also like emerge with all those USE flags and slack is great also
(01:06:41 AM) MystKid: a hard choice

(01:08:37 AM) evanton: "Asinus Buridani starved because it could not decide whether to feed from the left or right"
(01:08:40 AM) evanton: haystack.

PDF - Why Buridani’s ass is an unlikely creature: Alexander Riegler
Wikipeadia Buridan's ass


sanjao sam pokojnu baku.
sanjao sam da je bila u komi 10 godina,
a da nismo ni znali.
Ustala je tako odjednom, spakovala se i dosla kuci.
Bez obzira sto se familija posle njene smrti raspala
ona se dobro drzi, kao da to i nije neki problem.
U selu sam, idem trotoarom i pricam sa njom preko mobilnog.
Vrlo jasno se izrazava, sve je razumem,
pricamo o vremenu koje je prespavala.
Kaze da ju je posetila sestra koja ju je cuvala
ovih deset godina. Kaze da ne moze nikad da zaboravi
casu sveze vode ( da li za cvece ) koju je ona uvek odrzavala.
Ne ljuti se na nas sto je nismo posecivali,
uvek je bila pazljiva prema nama i znala da imamo
puno nasih problema. Uvek je bila baka
puna razumevanja i saosecajnosti.
Drago mi je sto je tu.
Mirna je, stalozena, oko nje se siri neka lakoca,
ima blagi izraz lica.
Prija mi da odem kod njih, da vidim sta rade.
Nestalo je onog straha
da cu uciniti ili reci neku glupost koju sam
tako revno nosio sa sobom dok je bila ziva, zbog dede.
Deda je sada isto miran i normalan pored nje.
Ipak, vreme sada u kojem zivim i pisem ove reci,
ostalo je lose i sve se pogorsava,
samo je baka mirna.