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Buridan's ass

(01:03:53 AM) evanton: may I ask why do you need 3 linux distros?
(01:04:10 AM) evanton: can't have 1 main and 2 in virtual boxes?
(01:04:38 AM) MystKid: yes i could
(01:04:46 AM) MystKid: but still have to decide which one my main will be
(01:05:25 AM) evanton: well, pick 2 random ones, decide to throw one, repeat the process one more time :)
(01:06:33 AM) MystKid: i like all 3 tho. i like binary packages in arch and the minimal install. i also like emerge with all those USE flags and slack is great also
(01:06:41 AM) MystKid: a hard choice

(01:08:37 AM) evanton: "Asinus Buridani starved because it could not decide whether to feed from the left or right"
(01:08:40 AM) evanton: haystack.

PDF - Why Buridani’s ass is an unlikely creature: Alexander Riegler
Wikipeadia Buridan's ass

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