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Women's night out

A few nights ago a friend invited me to a night out.
I told my husband that I would come home before midnight
and solemnly promised it! Hours and cocktails passed.
After about 3 hours, a bit drunk, I went home.
As soon as I entered the house, the cuckoo clock announced
in the hallway, "Three o'clock". I figured my husband would probably wake up,
so I thought fast; i cuckooed the remaining nine times.
I was really proud of myself; I reacted so quickly, so ingeniously
(though I was totally in a coma), to avoid possible disputes with my husband.
In the morning when he asked me when I arrived, I replied coldly:
"In midnight". That didn't upset him. "HUH, what a relief", I thought.
Then he said: "We need a new cuckoo clock."
When I asked him why, he said: "Well, last night our cuckoo clock cuckooed
three times, then said, 'Oh, shit', then cuckooed four times,
cleared the throat, cuckooed three more times and chuckled, then cuckooed two
times, tored up the coffee table and farted."

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